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Coffee Time

Cafe in Kalamunda  

Cafe based at 6 Central Road, Kalamunda, WA 6076

Contacts: address, phone number and etc.

Address 6 Central Road, Kalamunda, WA 6076
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Reviews about Coffee Time

  • 5 / 5
    By Alex Miller
    It was clear after the first visit that this place would become our local coffee spot; since then it has become our sunday breakfast shop before heading off to the farmer's markets. If somethings not available they come up with such good alternatives :) Even better is their options for organic meats and fairtrade coffee. Brilliant atmosphere and the staff are so vibrant and happy.
    August 25, 2016
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Menu of Cafe Coffee Time

Coffee Time is a cafe based in Kalamunda, Western Australia. To learn the menu, call the phone number indicated on the website.

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